Jordan Hasay's Shining Star

Jordan Hasay's Shining Star

It was November of 2016 and Jordan had just got a phone call from her coach, Alberto Salazar. One that she had received all the time. Except this time, it was different. Jordan was at the airport in Pittsburgh and just received the worse phone call ever - Teresa Hasay had unexpectedly passed away.

Teresa was more than just Jordan's mother, she was her best friend. They spoke everyday and is the sole reason why Jordan started running. And just like that, in a matter of seconds, her mom was no longer there.

In a depressing reality, every day, over 150,000 people around the world die. These people are mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands, best friends, and so much more. When we originally reached out to Jordan and discussed the idea of collaborating, we obviously wanted to bring her story to life the best way possible. It was clear that her mother was a big part of her life and still is to this day. Even though she was now 'gone', she was just now with her, from above, in every workout, every race, and everything in between. Jordan's mom was her Shining Star and that's when it was obvious; we were going to create something commemorating her mom while aiming to help all of those who have also suffered the loss of a loved one.

We caught up with Jordan to ask some questions about her mom and how she has been able to cope through the pain...

ArtiKen: Ok, Jordan, we all have to know because all of us address our mom, mother, momma, mommy, mum, differently. How did you address your mother?

Jordan Hasay: Mom 

ArtiKen: Everybody handles the loss of a loved one different. Where did you go or what did you do to find 'comfort' through all the pain? 

Jordan Hasay: I like to think that you go on with a “new normal”. I read this book called Option B. It was really helpful. It’s kind of about that. Obviously life takes turns its not what you expect but loved ones who leave us would want us to be happy. I think not of the loss defining me, but think of who I am for the life that I was blessed to know. Basically in that way, there really is no death, only passing to a better life.

ArtiKen: Your mom was a big athlete herself and you've credited much of your success and aspirations to her. Give us a time where she may have pushed you further than you thought you could.

Jordan Hasay: Oh! All the time! We both were/are the definition of extreme athlete. This story has nothing to do with running but I think it’s funny so I’ll share. We used to go to Hawaii every spring break and would play smash ball tournaments against my dad and brother. My mom and I weren’t playing well one day and finally we had one more shot to beat my dad and brother (we would see who could not drop it the longest, I think they hit 100 or something so we had to step it up). We both took a deep breath and then I think we got like 116 or something! Afterwards she was like “I was thinking if we didn’t drop it you’d make the Olympics), and I was like “me too!” Haha so whenever I really have to focus on something I’m like “ok, hit this you’ll make the Olympics”. It was just special that my goals basically meant the world to her, as well.

ArtiKen: For those reading this and currently struggling. What advice do you have for them to help ease some of the hurt?

Jordan Hasay: I can honestly say that it truly, truly gets better. There are ups and downs and you should allow yourself to cry if you need to or smile if you need to. Let people in. I had a hard time with that since my mom was the one I’d go to. But I’ve learned that so many others are there for me too.

Through our collaboration with Jordan; it was so easy to see how amazing her mother was. Jordan has an amazing soul and it showed through every discussion. 

With that said, today, August 6th, marks the day of Teresa's birthday. She would have turned 59 today. And while Jordan can't pick up the phone to call her and wish her a Happy Birthday, she is aware that her mom is looking down watching her every move.

We hope Jordan's 'Shining Star' pack brings you warmth and comfort for the loss of your loved ones as it has for Jordan.